LoyJoy Platform Description of Services
Availability of the following services may depend on the chosen plan. (S) – Starter plan and above, (P) – Professional plan and above, (E) – Enterprise plan and above, (U) – Unlimited plan.
Sessions with interaction
In the course of a session (30 minutes), a user interacts with a LoyJoy chat. At least one text is entered or a UI element is interacted with, e.g. a button is clicked.
A LoyJoy tenant is a logically delimited workspace with separate data storage. LoyJoy Manager users can access one or more clients.
User management
Each LoyJoy tenant can have one or multiple users. Option to add and delete users. The access to the platform can and should be secured with a FIDO2 key.
User rights
Manager users can have one of the following roles with different permissions: Owner (Admin), Editor, Knowledge, Support, Viewer, Revision, Translator.
Knowledge Article
This corresponds to an uploaded file (e.g. docx, pdf), an HTML page, or a manually created body of text.
Process Module
A process module provides configurable business logic and either has a UI element in the chat (e.g. input field) or is done in dark processing.
Analytics dashboard (B)
Each conversational experience offers an analytics dashboard. KPIs displayed depend on the used building blocks.
Customer database / Vault (P)
Database that optionally stores personal identifiable information about customers. Basic fields include name and email address. Can be extended with custom fields. Stores opt-ins.
Push messages (P)
Each LoyJoy tenant can have one or multiple users. Option to add and delete users. The access to the platform can and should be secured with a FIDO2 key.
Live-Chat (B simplified, P)
A live chat that connects customers with live agents.
Home View (P)
The Home View is a starting page that you can put in front of the chat like a "Home" page. The chat does not start directly in a conversation but in a menu that allows you to jump to different LoyJoy chat experiences.
Natural Language Understanding (P)
Option to train a deep-learning algorithm to react to questions in the chat. Not available when GPT AI is used.
GTP AI by OpenAI (P)
Connect your LoyJoy knowledge base with GPT AI to answer questions.
Product database / API (P)
Programmatically upload products to LoyJoy. Products can be used in the chat to display product information and images.
List of LoyJoy process modules
Module | Description | Use Case |
Add variables (S, P, E, U) | This process module stores values in process variables. | Set variables if modules are to be run through only under certain conditions. |
Advent calendar door (S, P, E, U) | Let customers open a new door every day in a Christmas countdown. | Christmas advent calendar |
Animation (S, P, E, U) | Show an animation in the Web chat. | Enrich your chat experience with a choice of 20+ background animations that appear on the screen. |
API client (S, P, E, U) | Send request to external API. You can send data from LoyJoy as URL parameters or POST payload and save data from the response as variables. | Connect LoyJoy to your API and read or write data to external applications with custom data mapping. |
Appointment scheduler (S, P, E, U) | Offer customers to make appointments in well-defined time slots. | Define time slots when customers can book their appointments and send out customized calendar invites. |
Article gallery (S, P, E, U) | Present your articles and offer to read them. | Display articles in a help center. |
Auth0 (P, E, U) | Offer your customers to authenticate with Auth0. | |
Automatic jump (S, P, E, U) | Jump to another process module or into another experience. | Make your experience more engaging by letting the customer go through different flows. |
Azure Active Directory (P, E, U) | Offer your customers to authenticate with Azure Active Directory. | |
Birthdate (S, P, E, U) | Ask customers for their birthdate. | Ask for the birthday of your customer to congratulate him e.g. via a newsletter. |
Brevo (S, P, E, U) | Exchange data with Brevo. | |
Campaign Monitor (S, P, E, U) | Connect LoyJoy to Campaign Monitor for adding subscribers. | Integrate every e-mail new sign up directly into campaign monitor. |
CleverReach (S, P, E, U) | Connect LoyJoy to CleverReach for adding subscribers. | Integrate every e-mail new sign up directly into cleverreach. |
Clipboard (S, P, E, U) | Display a text message that can be copied to the clipboard. | Useful when the customer gets a code for a coupon or voucher, for example. |
Code entry (S, P, E, U) | Your customers can enter codes to participate in a giveaway or loyalty program. | Distribute winning codes to your customers, which can then be entered into the chatbot. |
Conversion (S, P, E, U) | Track the conversion rate of your experience in the LoyJoy analytics and in the weekly analytics report via email. | |
Coupon code (S, P, E, U) | Show coupon codes in the chat or send them by email. Optionally you can output the coupon codes as barcode or QR code. The following variables are created here: {'${coupon_code}'}. | Provide the customer with a coupon code with which he gets e.g. discount on your products. |
Create PDF (P, E, U) | Generate a PDF file based on a HTML template and offer it your customers for downloading or send the PDF via email. | |
Create process instance (S, P, E, U) | Use this if you want customers to be able to go through the same experience in separate process instances. | Create a loop. |
Decision jump (S, P, E, U) | Offer quick replies to let your customers decide to jump into another experience or to a process module. | Let the customer choose what to do next. |
Decision table (P, E, U) | Define a decision table based on decision rules to read and write variables. | Use the Decision table if you want to implement more complex logics in e.g. a skin type test. |
Delete Variables (S, P, E, U) | This process module deletes one or several variables. | Delete process variables if they are no longer needed. |
Edit email address (S, P, E, U) | Enable your customers to edit their email address. | Keep the email addresses up to date so that you can reach your customers at any time. |
Email (S, P, E, U) | Ask your customers for their email address. | Request the email address so that you can assign customer data or the customer can participate in raffles. |
Event (S, P, E, U) | Trigger an event with the name of your choice. The event is (1) emitted via the LoyJoy JavaScript API, (2) stored in the LoyJoy Analytics database, and (3) triggers signal process modules that wait for the event name. | Send a message to the customers who have won something in the chat, for example. |
External link (S, P, E, U) | Direct your customers to an external website with a link. | Show more of a topic. |
First name (S, P, E, U) | Ask customers for their first name. | Make the chat more personal by addressing your customer by name. |
Form (P, E, U) | Offer a customizable form in the chat. | |
Gender (S, P, E, U) | Ask customers for their gender. | Question about gender, e.g. to customize the newsletter for the customer. |
Giveaway participation (S, P, E, U) | Your customers must provide their email address to participate. You can draw the winners later under the manage tab using a random selection tool. | Offer customers a giveaway where they can be entered into a drawing. |
Goodbye (S, P, E, U) | Say goodbye to customers. | End the conversation |
Google BigQuery (P, E, U) | Store data in BigQuery by inserting a row. | |
Google Maps (P, E, U) | Ask your customers for their address and calculate the distances to each destination provided. The four closest destinations are provided as a list. For more than 25 destinations, the latitude and longitude of the destination must also be provided. | Offer the customer the nearest locations. |
Google Pub/Sub (P, E, U) | Connect LoyJoy with the Google Cloud Platform via Google Pub/Sub. | Link your customer database to your google systems. |
GPT Follow-up question (S, P, E, U) | Consider the chat history and create a standalone follow-up question that can be answered with GPT Knowledge. | |
GPT Knowledge (P, E, U) | Answer customer inquiries using GPT by utilizing multiple sources: Combine content from your knowledge base, SharePoint, web search results, and information from the currently visited webpage. | |
GPT Prompt (P, E, U) | Define your own command and system message to query GPT. The output is stored in the variable "gpt_output". | |
GPT Recommender (P, E, U) | Use GPT to recommend products from your product database by creating an SQL query based on the user's input. | |
GPT Smalltalk (P, E, U) | Use GPT to respond to your customer’s small talk. | |
Handover via email (S, P, E, U) | Offer your customers a form to submit a request via email. | For problems that are too specific for the chatbot, it is a simple solution to send the customer's request directly to your email address. |
Hubspot (S, P, E, U) | Send data to Hubspot. | |
Image gallery (S, P, E, U) | Show one or more images in an image gallery. | Lighten up the experience by adding media for customers to swipe trough. |
Instant drawing (S, P, E, U) | Draw customers with a defined probability. | Offer customers a sweepstakes in which they know directly whether they have won or not. |
Inxmail (S, P, E, U) | Send data to Inxmail. | Manage the customers subscription to your mailing lists. |
Javascript (P, E, U) | JavaScript can be executed in the user’s browser. This can result in variables that can be used in the next process steps. | |
Jump to home view (P, E, U) | If a home view is configured this process module jumps to it. The jump is executed directly when the experience is opened. To prevent this, place a decision jump or a continuation question before the jump. | |
Keycloak (P, E, U) | Offer your customers to authenticate with Keycloak. | |
Language selection (S, P, E, U) | Customers can choose which language they prefer. | If several languages are spoken in your country, you can offer them. |
Last name (S, P, E, U) | Ask customers for their last name. | Make the chat more personal by addressing your customer by name. |
List (S, P, E, U) | Display a list in the chat. | Useful to show your customers a product overview. |
Live chat (S, P, E, U) | Once customers enter the live chat, the chat can be taken over under 'Live'. | When the chatbot alone cannot solve the customer's problem, live chat can assist. |
Lottie animation (S, P, E, U) | Show a Lottie animation in the Web chat. | Make the experience more fun and interactive by adding animations. |
Loyalty points (P, E, U) | Give loyalty points to your customers. Specify whether customers can receive loyalty points once or multiple times, and whether they must agree to terms. | Customers can receive loyalty points for any action in the chat or external applications. |
Loyalty redemption (P, E, U) | Let your customers redeem loyalty points by storing them in the redemptions table in this process module. Enter this process module in a loyalty reward as a jump target and thereby enable customers to redeem the the reward for loyalty points. | |
Loyalty referral (P, E, U) | When set-up in the social sharing subprocess, links contain a token to verify customer referral upon signup. | Your customer can earn loyalty points for sharing the experience with their friends. |
Loyalty rewards (P, E, U) | Offer rewards that your customers can redeem for their loyalty points. | Let the customer redeem his points. |
Loyalty sharing (P, E, U) | Invite your customers to share the experience on loyalty media with their friends to receive loyalty points. | Use this module so that the experience gets more range. |
Mailchimp (S, P, E, U) | Exchange data with Mailchimp. | |
Main prize (S, P, E, U) | Show a main prize. | Offer a giveaway and show beforehand what you can win to get the customer excited about the giveaway. |
Mini program (S, P, E, U) | Mini programs show the content of an URL in an overlay. | Link customers to a web application in chat to give them specialised information. |
Name (S, P, E, U) | Ask customers for their first and last name. | Make the chat more personal by addressing your customer by name. |
Newsletter opt-in (S, P, E, U) | Ask customers to opt-in for a newsletter. We support the double opt-in procedure, where the newsletter subscription is only activated by clicking a confirmation link. This can be switched off if it is not required in your jurisdiction. | Increase your list of newsletter subscribers by adding the subscription to the chat. |
Notification (P, E, U) | Send notifications to your customers. | Send notifications to your customers. |
NPS survey (S, P, E, U) | Use Net Promoter Score (NPS) to assess the loyalty of your customer relationships. | Get feedback directly from customers. |
OneTrust (S, P, E, U) | Exchange data with OneTrust. | Customers can give consent to additional data protection laws. |
Opening hours (S, P, E, U) | Enter your opening hours to execute time based logic. During opening hours the variable {'${opening_hours_open}'} is set to true, otherwise it is set to false. | |
Optimizely (S, P, E, U) | Exchange data with Optimizely. | |
Password (P, E, U) | Ask for a password, which is stored encrypted in the session. | Let the customer log in with a password, so that the data is additionally protected. |
Personal data intro (S, P, E, U) | Ask for permission before collecting personal data. | Offer the customer to skip the personal questions. |
Personal data outro (S, P, E, U) | Use this optionally after collecting personal data to thank the customers. | Use this block if you have also used the intro, so that the whole block can be skipped. |
Phone number (S, P, E, U) | Ask customers for their phone number. | Ask for the phone number to contact the customer. |
Poll (S, P, E, U) | Let your customers vote in a poll and show the results in real time. Make sure that a questionnaire module is available in the Experience to select the appropriate question. | |
Postal address (S, P, E, U) | Ask customers for their postal address. | Ask the customer for his address e.g. for a raffle. |
Prizes gallery (S, P, E, U) | Show your customers one or more prizes. | Display prizes for raffles and giveaways. |
ProCampaign (P, E, U) | You can send a specific transaction or a rating to ProCampaign at this position. | |
Proceed question (S, P, E, U) | Ask your customers in the chat if they want to proceed. Use this process module to structure the chat flow into well-structured pieces. | Interrupt the flow, if there are many messages in a row. |
Product feed (P, E, U) | Connect your product feed to display products in LoyJoy. The number of the featured products is stored in the variable "product_feed_result_count". | |
Product gallery (S, P, E, U) | Show your customers one or more products. | Show your offers that match the customer directly in the chatbot. |
Profiling opt-in (P, E, U) | Ask customers to opt-in for profiling. We support the double opt-in procedure, where the profiling is only activated by clicking a confirmation link. This can be switched off if it is not required in your jurisdiction. | Use the module so that the customer can decide whether to answer personal questions. |
Questionnaire (S, P, E, U) | Collect data from your customers with a questionnaire and save the answers as process variables at the experience. | Ask for single choice, multiple choice, phone numbers, addresses and more. |
Quiz (S, P, E, U) | Your customers can engage in a quiz. Your customers can repeat the question as many times as they want if they get the answers wrong. | Let the customer take a quiz to be able to participate in a raffle afterwards. |
Rapidmail (S, P, E, U) | Exchange data with Rapidmail. | |
ReachFive (P, E, U) | Send data to ReachFive or load data from ReachFive. | |
Region (S, P, E, U) | Allow only customers from certain regions to use the chat. | For example, only certain regions may participate in a giveaway. |
Reminder notification (P, E, U) | Send reminder notifications to your customers, which have given a reminder double opt-in. | Remind your customer to open the advent calendar door. |
Reminder opt-in (P, E, U) | Offer reminders to your customers at customisable intervals. We support the double opt-in procedure, where the reminder subscription is only activated by clicking a confirmation link. This can be switched off if it is not required in your jurisdiction. | Get approval to send personalized reminder to your customers. |
Restart (S, P, E, U) | Restart the chatflow. | Give the customer the chance to go through the experience again. |
Return jump (S, P, E, U) | Jump into another experience. As soon as the end event is reached in the other experience, automatically jump back to this experience. | Use another experience in your experience without having to rebuild it. |
Salesforce Interaction Studio (P, E, U) | Send data to Salesforce Interaction Studio. | Promote relevant products to your customers. |
Salesforce Marketing Cloud (P, E, U) | Send data to Salesforce Marketing Cloud. | Offer personalised adds to your customers. |
Salesforce Service Cloud (P, E, U) | Send data to Salesforce Service Cloud. | Provide customer service through your service cloud. |
Scanner (S, P, E, U) | Display a scanner so your customers can scan products, QR codes, bar codes. If no categories are used, the barcode is provided with the following variable: {'${scanner_code}'}. | Open a the device camera with a scanner function, so your customers can scan products, QR codes and barcodes. |
Scondoo cashback (P, E, U) | Activate uploading collected data to Scondoo. | Enable customers to earn cashback. |
Search (S, P, E, U) | Customers can search for articles that can be created in the knowledge area. | If you have different experiences, you can give the customer the possibility to choose chatbots with topics that interest him. |
Send email (S, P, E, U) | Send an email here. | Request information from the customer in the chat and then send it to your company. |
Session reset (S, P, E, U) | Reset the process session with its variables, and reset the chat history. | Useful to reset the process session completely, effectively logging out the customer and resetting the chat. |
SFTP (S, P, E, U) | Write process variables by SFTP to a SFTP server. | Push data to your IT infrastructure. |
Share image (S, P, E, U) | Let your customers share an image from the chat to their friends. This displays a share button that invokes the native sharing mechanism of the device. This works on mobile devices, for desktop devices there is a fallback option. | Let your customers share images from the chat to their friends. |
Share link (P, E, U) | Invite your customers to share the experience on social media with their friends. | Share on social media or by Email. |
Shopify (S, P, E, U) | Display products from your Shopify store in the chat. Customers can add products to the shopping cart and view the content of their cart. | Customers can add products to the shopping cart and view the content of their cart. |
Sign in (S, P, E, U) | To authenticate, customers are asked to enter their email address. | Use this module to query the email address if you want the customer to be stored in the customer database. |
Signal (P, E, U) | Trigger execution of this process by waiting for an incoming signal/event. | Use the signal to mark a customer that just signed up for your Newsletter to avoid asking again. |
Sikom (P, E, U) | Request live chat agent availability from Sikom and hand over live chats to Sikom. | |
Simple message (S, P, E, U) | Displays a text message, optionally with an image. | Send a simple message without interaction of the customer, e.g. with information. |
SMS opt-in (S, P, E, U) | Ask customers to opt-in for notifications via text. | Get approval to send personalized SMS to your customers. |
Snapshot (S, P, E, U) | Your customers can send photos to your chatbot. Contents of the photos can be recognised with artificial intelligence integrated in LoyJoy. | Let the customer upload a picture to enter a raffle. |
Stop (S, P, E, U) | This process module stops the process execution. The following process module can be triggered e.g. by jumps. | Use the module, if e.g. a flow has ended and under it another one still has modules. Never end the chat with a dead. |
Tag (S, P, E, U) | This process module sets or removes tags. | Tags are used for customer segmentation. |
Tag preference center (S, P, E, U) | Offer new tags to customer and allow customer to de-select existing tags. | Customers can have tags such as fashion, which express interests a customer can have. Tags are used for customer segmentation. |
Talkevent (P, E, U) | Request live chat agent availability from Talkevent and hand over live chats to Talkevent. | |
Terms of participation (S, P, E, U) | Ask your customers in the chat for confirmation on terms. The consent is stored as a variable in chat. | Collect agreement for confirmation on the terms. |
Video gallery (S, P, E, U) | Show one or more videos in a video gallery. | Lighten up the experience by adding media. |
Voice message (S, P, E, U) | Send up to five audio or voice messages. | Lighten up the experience by adding media. |
Voice recorder (P, E, U) | Your customers can send audio messages to your chatbot. The audio messages of signed-in customers can be viewed in the history tab. | Improve the chat experience by letting customers record and upload audio content and messages themselves. |
Web component (P, E, U) | Display a Web component within the chat. | Customers can see and use your webcomponents in chat. |
Web push opt-in (P, E, U) | Ask customers to opt-in for web push notifications. | Collect opt-ins for Web push notifications to send personalized Web push messages to your customers. |
Web-Service (S, P, E, U) | Connect an external Web service via HTTP POST, which makes process variables available in the chat. | Enable more tools through web services. |
Welcoming (S, P, E, U) | Welcome your customers in the chat. | Start the experience. |
Workato (P, E, U) | Trigger a recipe in Workato. | |
Yotpo review (P, E, U) | The review data is first collected in the chat and then transferred here. | Collect data in chat and view it in Yotpo. |
Zapier (S, P, E, U) | Trigger a Zap in Zapier. |