LoyJoy for consumer brands

Connect With Consumers 1:1.

Leading Consumer Brands rely on LoyJoy to build direct relationships with consumers. Convert more leads, get more marketing permissions, and boost sales.

Use Cases for Consumer Brands.

Product Finder
Guide consumers to the best products and convert to sales.
Newsletter Signups
Get more subscribers for your newsletters. GDPR-compliant.
Campaign Chatbots
Excite consumers for your new product launch and provide info in the chat.
Advent Calendar
Make the Christmas season a unique conversational experience.
Raffles & Promotions
Get more participants, better conversion, and happy consumers.
Support & Live Chat
Automate your consumer service with AI, process automation, and live chat.

Success Case

Providing Skin Care Advice Around the Globe

Eucerin is a skin care brand with over 100 years of history. LoyJoy supports the brand in more than 25 countries. LoyJoy provides skin care advice, gathers customer data and marketing permissions, and engages with consumers 1:1.

Providing Skin Care Advice Around the Globe

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