Connect LoyJoy to Zapier. Zapier is a service that allows you to connect to more than 4,000 other cloud applications.
- Integrate Zapier with LoyJoy
- Automate data transfers from LoyJoy to Zapier
- Combine LoyJoy with numerous other apps
Use the Zapier automation within your LoyJoy chat
Unlock the power of seamless automation by utilizing our BPMN modeling language and drag-and-drop modules. With this template, you can effortlessly design personalized chatbot experiences and integrate them seamlessly with Zapier. You can create a Zap that will be triggered by the chat. The chat will send data to Zapier and Zapier will send the data to the other system.
Steps to Get Started
- Add this template to your personal workspace in LoyJoy.
- Create a Zap in your Zapier account.
- Peronalize your Zapier process Module.